SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada takes place in the year 2222, after a mysterious and poisonous rain known as The Tears of the New Moon has devastated humanity, leading to the emergence of deformed creatures that now threaten the survivors. Players assume the role of a Drifter tasked with collecting AO Crystals while navigating a hostile surface world filled with dangers including xenomorphic creatures called Enders.
The development of SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada involved a collaborative effort by Game Studio Inc. and Bandai Namco Entertainment, focusing on creating an immersive world where players can engage in both PvP and PvE interactions. The design process included extensive testing and feedback loops to ensure a balanced gameplay experience that caters to various player styles.
In this PvPvE extraction shooter, players must survive in a world filled with hostile creatures and other players while collecting valuable resources. Players utilize their CRADLECOFFIN mechs for traversal and combat, forming strategic partnerships with their AI companions, known as Magus, to enhance their chances of survival amid the chaos.
The main character is the Drifter, who partners with an AI called Magus. Each Magus features unique personalities and appearances, which can be customized extensively. These AI companions assist in exploration, combat, and provide tailored advice based on players' performance, helping them navigate the treacherous landscape.
The game's design emphasizes a post-apocalyptic aesthetic, blending dark, atmospheric visuals with dynamic gameplay elements. The CRADLECOFFIN mechs are customizable, allowing players to tailor their abilities and appearance to suit their playstyle. The environment is designed to challenge players, with toxic rains and lurking enemies creating a tense survival atmosphere.